Formation of personality of children with mental retardation and readiness of future defectologists for practical work


  • N. M. Rudenko associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology (Preschool and Correction) named after prof. T.U. Ponimanska of The Rivne State Humanities University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences


professional training of teachers of special education, readiness of defectologists for the formation of the personality of children with TLPD, humanistic pedagogy, subject-subject interaction


The conceptual foundations of general pedagogical and methodological training of defectologists for the formation of the personality of children time-lagged psychical development (TLPD) include: the need to educate teachers to treat themselves as a subject of the educational process by means of integrating professional disciplines, filling the students with humanistic meanings of educational practice and engaging them in research activities. The criteria, indicators, types, and psychological and pedagogical conditions for optimizing the didactic process for the formation of the defectologist are determined. Personal and professional competence are considered as components of this readiness.

Author Biography

N. M. Rudenko , associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology (Preschool and Correction) named after prof. T.U. Ponimanska of The Rivne State Humanities University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences



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How to Cite

Rudenko , N. M. . (2019). Formation of personality of children with mental retardation and readiness of future defectologists for practical work. All Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Magazine Principal of School Liceum Gymnasium, 20(6). Retrieved from

