Modern educational environment and interpersonal conflicts


  • О. М. Mukhanova Senior Lecturer, Department of English in Humanities №3, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Ihor Sikorskyi”
  • O. V. Shepelieva Senior Lecturer, Department of English in Humanities №3, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Ihor Sikorskyi”


conflict, conflict psychology, educational sphere


The article deals with interpersonal conflicts in the educational sphere – namely, the type of conflicts of teacher – student. The impact of teacher and student individuality on the emergence of conflict is illuminated.

Author Biography

O. V. Shepelieva , Senior Lecturer, Department of English in Humanities №3, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Ihor Sikorskyi”


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How to Cite

Mukhanova О. М. ., & Shepelieva , O. V. . (2019). Modern educational environment and interpersonal conflicts. All Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Magazine Principal of School Liceum Gymnasium, 20(6). Retrieved from

