Mobbing in the Educational Environment: Causes and Preventive Measures


  • M.S. Velychko Аспірантка кафедри практичної психології та педагогіки Хмельницького національного університету, психолог, соціальний педагог Ліцею міжнародних відносин № 51


mobbing, cybermobbing, psychological violence


The articlereveals psychological causes and preventive measures of the emergence mobbing in the educational environment. Phenomenon of the mobbing as a form of psychological violence in relations between the group and the individual.The article reveals the phenomenon of the mobbing as a form of psychological violence in relations between the group and the individual. Theoretical approaches to the definition of the phenomenon of mobbing and its forms. Psychological causes and legal aspects and preventive measures of mobbing in the educational environment. Mobbing and described it as «psychological terror», which includes the systematic recurrence of hostile and unethical behavior of one or more people, directed against another person. According to experts, the most significant characteristic of the phenomenon of mobbing is that it is determined onlywhen there are multiple, but systematic, regular repetitions in behavior and attitude.

Author Biography

M.S. Velychko , Аспірантка кафедри практичної психології та педагогіки Хмельницького національного університету, психолог, соціальний педагог Ліцею міжнародних відносин № 51


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How to Cite

Velychko , M. . (2019). Mobbing in the Educational Environment: Causes and Preventive Measures. All Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Magazine Principal of School Liceum Gymnasium, 20(6). Retrieved from

