Highlights of a competence oriented methodology of teaching Ukrainian in school


  • N. D. Holub Head of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Department of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


citizen formation, national language personality, school language education, competent speaker


The author is concerned that modern schools do not actually produce personalities who have linguistic stability, who have extensive experience in language use, for whom language is a value and a means of self-realization, but rather small “devices” with different memory cards and content. Despite the obvious advance of the theory of the question, the author still had the feeling that something really important has not been taken into account, because the competence mechanism fails to be fully launched because the focus on knowledge indicators slows it down.

The author considers a certain way out of the current situation a necessity to form a citizen during the study of school subjects, and therefore demonstrates the role of the Ukrainian language in solving this problem.

The author offers an algorithm of actions on the problem of forming a citizen, which should be complete: knowledge contributes to the formation of skills, skills become the impetus to thinking, contribute to the emergence of feelings, on the basis of which there is an attitude without which there is no personality.

If the attitude is formed, the student feels confident in the choice situation, their behavior is motivated. If a person is not trained to think and analyze, if a thought, decision, action is not the product of their efforts, operations, then they become mentally lazy, accustomed to consume a ready-made opinion, which is formed for them by the media, politicians, neighbors and even detractors.

The author points out that the world no longer encourages people to possess knowledge - search engines know everything. An important result of school language education is the formation of a competent speaker.

Author Biography

N. D. Holub , Head of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Department of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Head of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Department of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor



How to Cite

Holub , N. D. . (2019). Highlights of a competence oriented methodology of teaching Ukrainian in school. All Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Magazine Principal of School Liceum Gymnasium, 20(6). Retrieved from https://director-ua.info/index.php/dslg/article/view/267

