The role of parents in the professional choice of young people: the determining factor or a guide


  • Т. А. Udovytska кафедра соціології, Харківський гуманітарний університет «Народна українська академія»
  • M. V. Savokhina кандидат медичних наук, доцент, кафедра фармакотерапії , Національний фармацевтичний університет, м. Харків


parents, children, profession, professional choice, dynasties.


The article deals with the analysis of parents’ role in young people’s professional choice. The main aspects of this impact, traditionally considered in literature on these kinds of problems, have been mentioned in this article. A typology of interaction between parents and children in the process of professional choice has been given, based on this analysis.

Moreover, the factors, which influenced the change of parents’ role in the professional choice of modern youth, have been considered in this article. These factors have led, on the one hand, to the increase of young people’s independence in choosing professions, which are quite new on the modern labour market and parents do not always know these professions. In addition, on the other hand, these factors have led to the decrease of the same independence, caused by the increase in the number of those who study on the contract basis, which is financially supported by parents.

Based on this analysis, contradictions in interaction between parents and children in the process of professional choice have been found.

Author Biographies

Т. А. Udovytska, кафедра соціології, Харківський гуманітарний університет «Народна українська академія»

кандидат історичних наук, доцент, кафедра соціології, Харківський гуманітарний університет «Народна українська академія», м. Харків

M. V. Savokhina , кандидат медичних наук, доцент, кафедра фармакотерапії , Національний фармацевтичний університет, м. Харків


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How to Cite

Udovytska . Т. А., & Savokhina , M. V. . (2019). The role of parents in the professional choice of young people: the determining factor or a guide . All Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Magazine Principal of School Liceum Gymnasium, 20(6). Retrieved from

