Головний редактор

Olha Vyhovska, Editor-in-Chief and Scientific Editor of All-Ukrainian scientific-practical journal "Headmaster of School, Lyceum, Gymnasium", Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine.

O.I. Vyhovska has been an unchangeable editor of this magazine for 20 years, because, firstly, the initiative to create such a journal belongs to her.

In addition to editing, she is the publisher of the magazine, and is constantly engaged in a bunch of activities, including research, publishing, consultancy and teaching.

The implementation of such a project as the creation and maintenance of a professional journal for school principals in the information space of Ukraine was certainly facilitated by the following:

  • Own multi-level and multifunctional scientific and pedagogical achievements as a university teacher, acquired on the basis of many years of practical training in the system of advanced training, namely as the head of the CISU physics cabinet (the successor of which is the modern higher education institution - UMO NAPU of Ukraine) of teachers, methodologists on all levels and heads of schools under the author's program, as well as the preparation of future teachers for creative pedagogical activities in the framework of the course initiated by me for pedagogical universities “Fundamentals of Pedagogical Creativity” (on this subject I defended PhD thesis “Creative Pedagogical Activity in Holistic Educational Process”). Availability of author's methods, "working" technology of preparation of a modern teacher, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by long-term testing during the study of students of different faculties / institutes of NPU named after M.P. Drahomanov (this technology is the basis of doctoral dissertation, which I am working on).
  • Ten years of experience of organizational and methodological work at the All- Ukrainian level as the head of the CICU physics cabinet, which was then praised and approved by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine as the winner of the socialist competition.
  • Acquired unique experience of 12-year management of the all-Ukrainian project "Teachers-Innovators in Ukraine" (initiator and project leader O. Vyhovska, chairman of the project council - V. Kremen), which resulted in the isolation and generalization of the features of the activity of teachers-masters, leaders of various educational institutions by the types of schools of Ukraine and the heritage of the latter, in particular, regarding the innovative experience of teacher preparation and development, the vocation of which is to create a modern person, their intellectual and spiritual potential; the materials of the generalized experience are published on the websites of the NAPS and the DNPB and was published in the format of analytical and abstract articles in the all-Ukrainian scientific-practical journal “Headmaster of School, Lyceum, Gymnasium”.
  • 20 years of experience as an editor and publisher of the journal for secondary school managers.

As a result of such work, we have a modern scientific and practical platform for the creating of the New Ukrainian School.

She (earlier in cooperation with the DNPB, this year – with National Pedagogical University named after M.P.Drahomanov) started the All-Ukrainian project "Informational support of the school", within which a series of lectures on scientific activity for schools of Ukraine was organized and conducted: for future scientists - students, teachers, methodologists and heads of schools. This year, together with NPU named after M.P.Drahommanov, an innovative project "Mentors and innovators - to schools: building a school of a globalized world!" will start its work on a new scientific platform.

So, we must conclude that almost 20 years have been laid on the altar of the Ukrainian school information space by O.I.Vyhovska! The implementation of such work has always required professional improvement. Therefore, during this time she has mastered several professions which are different from the professions of a teacher, methodologist or scientist – those are professions of a journalist, editor, publisher of the educational press. In 2019 she attended the Internet Marketing course at the Computer Academy; she has several diplomas and certificates of international qualification system and does not stop.

Apart from everything mentioned above, she initiated and actively participated in the charity projects to ensure that a management journal of such a level, the main reader of which is primarily the head of the school, had the opportunity to be in the information and educational space of Ukraine.